Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It honestly seems fitting that while I'm running down the movies that set up the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the first movie to begin the DC Cinematic Universe would release. It makes me happy, because, while I do love Marvel and its properties, the top hero in my heart will always be Batman. I've always loved the Batman comics, shows, and films, and nearly every incarnation there ever was, from West to Bale. So you can imagine my excitement when I learned that Batman would be involved with the next big DC film. Then I learned that it was going to involve Superman, and ehhhh...

Batman v Superman has been a subject of controversy for a long, long time. First it was about the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman, something I stood by since the beginning, but everyone hated because he made that shitty Daredevil movie. Then it was learning that Zack Snyder was directing, something I stood by since the beginning, but everyone hated because he made Man of Steel and Sucker Punch. I could go on and on about how people hated Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, the inclusion of Doomsday, and Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, but you get my point: fanboys were hating it, I was keeping an open mind. 

Well, the movie's finally here, and the general consensus is one of the most mixed I've ever seen. Critics hate it. Audiences love it. Some fall in between. I knew I needed to see this as soon as possible to make my own opinion. Let's talk about that.

So, the movie largely follows up to 2013's Man of Steel, taking place not long after Superman's (Henry Cavill) largely destructive battle in Metropolis. The government, largely lead by Senator Finch (Holly Hunter), along with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), are all largely unhappy with Superman's actions on that day, and how he brought upon the deaths of millions of people, all while a bigger conspiracy is forming underneath, led by Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg). It's left to Batman and Superman to set aside their differences and make everything right again, as well as possibly team up to make sure it never happens again.

And you know what? This movie is alright. It's not the greatest thing in the world, so don't expect The Dark Knight or Batman '89, but you also don't have to fear expecting something along the lines of Batman and Robin. The movie hits a lot of high tones and a lot of low tones, but all in all, it's still an entertaining ordeal.

High points first, as usual: Ben Affleck fucking KILLED IT as Batman. Honestly, when he was on screen, he stole the show every single time. He nailed playing both Bruce Wayne and Batman so damn perfectly, and honestly, it's with great pride that I can say I TOLD YOU SO MOTHERFUCKERS. -ahem- Compose myself. Other great points also include Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, both of which gave a great performance that easily boosted the movie throughout. The initial fight scene between Batman and Superman is entertaining and brutal, making me yearn to see what's in store in the R-rated director's cut Blu-Ray. Also, the visuals in the movie are spectacular, absolutely beautiful. The one thing that Zack Snyder can kill at is visuals, and once again, he knocks it out of the park.

Now we gotta talk about those low points, however, and it's now that I unfortunately have to bring up Henry Cavill as Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman. He's by no means a bad actor, and he still gave a very decent portrayal in this movie, but something still feels off about him, and honestly, I think it's just how serious he is. Superman doesn't really need to be so serious (Hi, Heath Ledger). That's Batman's deal. And I'm not saying that Superman can't brood and feel remorse, especially over the destruction of Krypton, and I know that his situation in this movie isn't exactly something to smile about, but during the whole damn movie? Come on now. Other low points all largely circulate around some muddiness in the plot. While it's not impossible to keep up with, it's very inconsistent at times, randomly cutting to different characters in different areas without warning. Also, I hope you enjoy CGI, because there's a fuck ton.

Yes, Batman v Superman has issues. A lot more issues than a lot of movies from the MCU, however, these issues are really made up for in the terms of just how fun this movie is to watch, as well as the performances of some of its cast members (looking at you, Affleck). I'm gonna be nice, and give it a 3.5 out of 5 and hope that this isn't the last we see of these characters. I think that we've got something good going here, and if people would get off their Marvel hype train, they could appreciate it with me. Oh well. Can't please everybody.


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