Schwarzenvember 2016: Prologue

Hello, everyone! Long time, no see, huh? Yeah, well, shit kinda happens in life that prevents you from pursuing the stuff you love. I love doing this blog, but I never have the time anymore to go see new movies. Yet, I don't want to give up on this shit, and no one said I HAD to do new movies, so, hey, why not do some older stuff. So that's what I'm doing...older stuff.

Enough drivel though, I'd like to tell you about a personal favorite actor of mine. He's not especially a good actor, he's not even halfway decent. But he's always been known to give a performance that's sure to give anyone a good time. And throughout the ridicule and the scandals, I think he deserves a fair share of good credit. He is...Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yes, the big Austrian hunk of meat himself, the Governator. Every one of this movies are surefire entertainment at the smallest level, and even in the shittiest movies he's ever been in, he's always managed to put a smile on the audience's faces. What is it about Ahhh-nold that attracts us all? Why do we flock to the theaters though we know it's probably going to be useless action? Why was Junior made? These are all questions I hope to answer as I go over his major filmography in this annual event...Schwarzenvember.

The event starts soon...on the roster for this year are the following:

Conan the Barbarian
The Terminator
Total Recall
True Lies
Jingle All the Way
End of Days
The Last Stand

...all released in chronological order.

So buckle up, grab some popcorn, and reassure yourself that it's not a tumor...this is going to be one hell of a ride.

I'll be back...soon.


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