Dak's Top 10 Movies of 2015

2015 has been a huge year for movies. We've seen the return of franchises once thought to be long gone. We've seen long awaited sequels. And we've seen many fantastic original pieces that we didn't even know could have been as great as they ended up being. So, without further adieu, it's time to count down the ones that stuck out the most for me. These may not be some of the best of the year, but I'm counting this list on the ones that were the most surprising or just left me shaking as I left the theater. So, let's go ahead and get started.

10. Ant-Man

It's slowly becoming imperative that all comic book movies are given to Marvel. Ant-Man marks the second unsuspecting hit in a row for Marvel, after 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy, and with the beautiful direction, effects, and amazing performances given by the likes of Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, and Paul Rudd, it makes you go back and think that you were utterly stupid for thinking this movie would bomb. If you haven't seen Ant-Man yet out of fear or lack of interest, change that as soon as possible...you won't regret it.

9. Avengers: Age of Ultron

The second and last Marvel movie on this list, Age of Ultron was met with a surprising whimper upon release. I, however, disagree with this whimper. While it may not be as awe-inspiring as the original Avengers, I feel that Age of Ultron fits into the Marvel Cinematic Universe brilliantly, with its setup of the New Avengers as well as the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. Also, it has to be said that Ultron is the best foe for the team so far. It deserves so much more than it's been given, and that's a fact.

8. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I don't know if I ever went over The Man from U.N.C.L.E. in a review. Perhaps I shall do so soon, but what I can say as of now, is that it's one of the prettiest movies of the year, and a big surprise for many. The reviews were mostly so-so, but I thought that it was a great espionage flick which covered the rising conflict between the Russians and the US, and both sides' view of the nuclear race. I'll cover more of this movie in the future, but otherwise, I'm happy to say that it did well.

7. Inside Out

Yet another movie I never covered in a review, I can't really say what hasn't already been said about Inside Out. Yes, it's just as much of a return to Pixar's old ways as you've been told. Yes, it's an emotional roller-coaster ride. And of the two Pixar films this year, Inside Out wins by a long shot. It's destined to be a future classic amongst the likes of Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles, no doubt.

6. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Mission: Impossible remains to this day the only spy franchise which matches James Bond to the amount of quality films under its belt. I was for sure that no M:I movie could top 2011's Ghost Protocol, but boy was I wrong. Rogue Nation manages to keep this franchise's heart beating fast and furiously, and somehow, Tom Cruise manages to keep on running (literally and figuratively) with it. I'm definitely going to be looking forward to M:I movies in the future, no doubt.

5. Spectre

If you know anything about me, you should have expected this to make it on this list. Spectre takes everything in the established canon of the Bond timeline which started with Daniel Craig's tenure and flips it on its head. It gives much needed closure and depth to the world of 007 and a sinister feeling to what could happen next. I'd been waiting for this movie all year, and it did not disappoint. Here's to Bond 25 and the future of the series.

4. The Martian

Currently holding the seat for President Obama's favorite movie of the year, The Martian continues the trend of realistic science fiction movies that started with 2013's Gravity. However, I think that The Martian easily tops Gravity, and comes pretty close to last year's Interstellar. Matt Damon gives a damn good performance, as does pretty much all else of the cast. If this movie does not end up on the Academy nominations, I will be severely disappointed.

3. Kingsman: The Secret Service

Man, 2015 had a lot of spy movies, but if there's one that tops them all out of sheer fun and surprise, it's Kingsman: The Secret Service. The performances were wonderful, the script was funny and entertaining, and the action scenes...MY GOD the action scenes. I can't geek out enough on how much this movie reminds me of a classic Bond film, and how flipping fantastic the all-around product ended up being. What a pleasant surprise, no doubt.

2. Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens

I can't say much about The Force Awakens yet, but what I can say is that the hype was so worth it. My full review will be coming soon.

1. Mad Max: Fury Road

Fury Road is bound to be a staple of Top 10 lists everywhere, and with good reason too. This one movie brought back a whole bunch of belief and trust in the action movie genre with its competent direction, beautiful visuals, and its use of mostly practical effects. I don't like using cliches, but I have to forgive myself for this one: it's an action-packed thrill ride...and I don't think any other movie deserves to have that tag line. Ever again.

So that concludes it. I'll be doing my bottom 10 movies of 2015 soon, but until then...here's to 2016 and many great movies to come!


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