Spideython: Spider-Man 2

There was once a time where truly exceptional superhero films were nearly a myth. Superhero movies that perfectly balanced being a superhero movie and also being a near perfect piece of cinema. The early 2000s were certainly that time, and it seems like we're almost verging on another point like that, but that's another topic for another day. Nevertheless, if Spider-Man hadn't shut up the superhero genre critics that were left over from the abomination that was the 90s, then surely, Spider-Man 2 did.

There were so many ways this movie could have went wrong. Sequels always are tricky, and very few end up getting it right. Especially when it comes to a big-time blockbuster franchise. But when they get it right, they are truly memorable, and that adds to why Spider-Man 2 is praised so, but it's not the only thing, not by far.

Once again, I'll break it down as simply as I can for those unlucky souls who haven't seen it yet, but after two years of being Spider-Man, Peter Parker is starting to notice it's taking a toll on his life. He's late for work, for class, and has no time to tend to his relationships, such as with MJ and Harry Osborne. So he starts to wonder if it's all worth it in the end. But, just as he's about to give up for good, a new menace approaches the city, one far deadlier than any he's faced before.

Now, if you read my Spider-Man review, you can see I have very, very fond feelings for this trilogy in question, and all of the praise I can give climaxes right here in this film. To this day, about 13 years after it was released, this film still beats many of the offerings from the MCU and even my beloved DCEU in so many qualities. It is truly a masterpiece.

The story is probably the shining star of it all. We only got hints of the issues that could come from balancing life and heroism in the first one, but here it's full blown, and you can feel just how much of a struggle it is as everyone seems to be turning on our main character. You see that internal fight in Peter slowly become an external fight, and it is so beautifully transferred on screen. And even then, as the movie sort of wraps up in a more positive note, you still feel this tinge of uncertainty that feels like such a decadent cherry on top of what is truthfully one of the best superhero adaptations of all time.

Everything I praised before crosses over into this. New characters, such as Dr. Otto Octavius, being played beautifully by Alfred Molina, bring such a bright life to the screen, making the world feel big, yet mysterious all at the same time. Cinematography is amazing, bright colors where you need them and dark tones where you love them, all blending together to make a visual feast for the eyes. And that soundtrack...mmm god it's still so good.

Pretty much, Spider-Man 2 is my favorite Spider-Man film, ever, and it will always be the bar to beat when it comes to this franchise, as well as a lot of others. If this film would be released today, it would easily make my top ten, even my top five. Spider-Man 2 gets a 9.4/10 for being absolutely wonderful, even after all of these years.


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