
Superhero movies are oversaturated. There's no speciality to them anymore. Because of Marvel and DC, they're just an average genre. It takes something really special to make a superhero movie stand out from the others. Luckily, Logan isn't a superhero movie so it doesn't have to worry about that.

Wait what?

Yes, I didn't stutter. You can't call this movie a superhero movie. It's so much more than that. This is the first movie in a long time that has moved me so hard (lie, La La Land did that). It's all chock full of different feelings that makes it so much more than what it's advertised as. It's beautiful, it's amazingly made, all of it. I fucking loved it. But let me start from the beginning.

So Logan is the third film in the solo Wolverine trilogy, starting with X-Men Origins. It's the story of old man Logan as he deals with his decrepit body and his old age, as his healing powers have failed him. He lives a normal life in a post-mutant world, until a small girl boasting mutant powers comes and completely changes it, sending him on a rough journey to take her to freedom, possibly starting new hope for mutantkind.

Honestly, I really don't know where to start. When it's like that, it's surely almost near perfection in my book. I guess I could start with the story by saying it's nearly perfect. It's literally like they ripped the story of Old Man Logan to the screen with a few added bits for some depth, and the bits just help it wonderfully. It's so gripping and just plain good. I wish more films would employ tactics like what was done here because I couldn't ask for better.

The cast, holy fucking shit. Hugh Jackman kills it as ever as Logan, Patrick Stewart plays the old Xavier so well that you start to feel heartbroken to see him in such a position, and even the villains feel so real. None stand out more, though, than the young Dafne Keen as Laura, aka X-23. You just don't get that many good child actors, especially these days. I can only imagine what she'll be like when she grows up.

Everything about this movie feels natural, not overblown and overdone, and frankly it's something that's missing in these big action movies these days. Some grounded down reality. Logan is so much more than a by the books superhero flick. It's a grounded western thriller. I don't give out perfect tens here for reasons unsaid, but by god, Logan gets an outstanding 9.8/10, and it's my favorite film of this year so far bar none. Bravo, just bravo...


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