The Wolf of Wall Street

It takes a lot to be called one of my most messed up films ever.

I've seen many movies most people would call strange or messed up, and I didn't even bat an eye. But, The Wolf of Wall Street set a new level of messed up for me.

Let's get through the nitty-gritty basic review stuff. "Wolf," is a great movie. It deserved every Oscar mention it got. Scorcese has killed it once again. The script is fantastic, the actors chosen are on point. The visuals are brilliant. This movie deserves every good review it's ever gotten.

However, it's one of very few movies like this that I've ever seen. I'm not much for these rise and fall from grace type films. However, as I saw this movie's poster, gleaming and smiling at me on my Netflix home page, I just couldn't resist.

Maybe that's why it left me with such an odd feeling? The plot is wholly somewhat predictable. I mean, sure, it's kind of a different premise, but I know that our character is going to rise up, get rich, and get caught. Especially if you know the story of which the movie is based. But, take that away, and it's pretty much any Wall Street corruption story.

Still, I don't think anyone should let those previous comments affect your decision about watching it...because otherwise, it's a fine, fine movie.

Viewer beware, there's a lot of hookers and cocaine (and plenty more Quaaludes), so if you're not into that kind of thing, might want to find something else, but if you don't mind, then prepare yourself for one mighty thrill ride.

3.5/5 stars


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