Baby Driver

You know, every year there's a movie that I watch, and from the beginning to the end, and after I walk out of the theater, I'm constantly thinking, "Yeah, this is it." What is it, you ask? It's my number one movie of the year, that's what it is. 2015 was Mad Max, 2016 was The Nice Guys, and 2017...that's Baby Driver.

Let me tell you guys a little something about Edgar Wright. I truthfully believe that he is a genius within his art. There's no other director out there who knows how to do this shit like he does. The way he uses visuals to convey comedy and other actions among the screen. His Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy all have a spot amongst my top ten of all time, and Scott Pilgrim still has to be one of the best graphic novel adaptations of all time. And yes, his genius still remains within the confines of Baby Driver.

Baby Driver is a pure masterpiece of cinema form. It's been a long time since I've seen a movie that so perfectly balances comedy, action, and even music. It's so fucking awesome, it makes me feel like a kid. The story, which follows a kid named Baby who's wrapped up driving with the wrong crowd, is simple, but it's's got this sensitive side to it all the while being an action-packed load of epicness. I could watch this movie over and over and still not catch everything, just the same with other Wright films.

The cast is also painstakingly brilliant, with each character feeling like they were written just for that specific actor in mind. You've got Ansel Elgort, playing the titular Baby, Kevin Spacey as the big boss, Jamie Foxx as the trigger-happy criminal, Jon Hamm as the cool-witted time bomb, and Lily James as Baby's adorable girlfriend, Debora. I know I give credits to cast in most of my reviews, but this is surely an ensemble that's a winner.

And technically, this movie is also a masterpiece. Cinematography is gorgeous, lots of bright colors and beautiful shots. Sound editing is on point, with everything hitting on a certain beat of the music throughout. Stunts are few, but still humorous and entertaining, just as it all should be. Frankly, you just can't get better than this on all areas.

It goes without saying, but I don't think there will be anything to top Baby Driver in my number one spot this year. I'm giving it a rather high 9.8/10, because it deserves it. Edgar Wright, you wonderful son of a bitch, never stop doing what you do best.


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